Designed to help make eBay easy ~ easier to note inoperable on Chrome
Appointment postponed.
But that's not too greater an issue, just need to transfer from the overdue bill account for the mortgage and pay it back when all sorted. A meeting with the accountant is also in order. And calling to haggle a hold on the credit card or something. But first I really must start a load of washing and get this eBay account set up!
Washing down ~ mowing almost done and guess what ~ ~ rain clouds coming. Big black fat clouds and a huge gusty wind with it. eBay account is slowly coming along - how to add pictures... Looks like Chrome does not 'play well' with eBay - lets get a FireFox window up...
Yes - spent some money - more than I'd hoped but the lawns look very nice and after a whip around the edges wiht the snipper it will look tops. Friends coming up next weekend and with the amount of rain had and forecast, it had to be mowed - looks good, but cost $90 for half a day. Its the slasher shown yesterday.
So many things done, we've moved into the witching hour and barely updated a thing. Wonder what tomorrow's horoscopes are predicting ~ ideally that it is time to unleash the Mission madness to the world at large. I did get the first (and currently only) item up on eBay.
The user name is mandsmission and I think that's how you find the items - too late and brain strained to find a link widget thing tonight. Now - horoscope
At the same time that Venus is slowing down and Mars continues to move ahead, with your Mars return giving you a lot more confidence and a real need to start making things happen, you have a very strong and astute sense of personal conviction. With the Sun, Mercury and Saturn already in an intuitive and internally focused part of your chart, the Moon moves in ahead of tomorrow’s New Moon, sharpening your intuition even further.
Taking that on board as being positive and as guidance to believe in myself, our Mission and to stay on this path. It's going to be rather confronting and this is all building a better, stronger, self-assured and happier me. One thousand items could equate to $10,000 - or $1000, but ideally somewhere in between steering higher rather than lower. *grins* There is more than 1000 things to move on - more like 1000 items each!
Putting a call out for some love and healing for my ma ~ she's had a wee bingle in her car, no fault with the other driver accepting full liability. I think she might be a bit of a sore ma at the moment - little brokened and most probably bruising. If those with Angels and abilities could splash a little care her way I would be most appreciative. *blessings*
Alright - this one is too haphazard. A pic of me setting up the eBay account. More items will go on tomorrow, well today just after sleep and probably after dinner.
Things to do, people to talk to, Missions to accomplish *chuckles* I catch up when my brain is awake.
Night y'all... *yawns*
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