Friday, February 8, 2008

Feb 2008: Best of our Homes and Gardens ~ chicken adventures

Let me introduce you to some important members of the Bungalow. So important ~ they have had their own 'Taj Mahal' built. While there are definately more flamboyant ones on the market, we made it ourselves, using as much existing materials as possible, more as time as progressed and probably only spent about $50 (excluding it lovely lady occupiers - they've paid for themselves already ~ and their food/bedding along the way!)

Knowing a new house needed time to get to know, we agreed ~ plan on paper, get a feel, no new pets, 'toys', modifications for 12 months. Chickens were always up there with the vegetable gardens, so I would have started asking around June/July 06 for say birthday / fathers day / christmas ~ justification of expense

~ although eventually the asking, pleading and begging did become a nag, bitch and tantie or 10 to get us to a final delivery date of May 2007. Why such a long time before we got chickens??

Because first, we needed a place for any chicken to live. And it had to be built ~ add two anal Virgo's and a Scorpio prone to fits of MWP and you can probably get a good idea...
There was an old aviary in the yard – decent sized. There were a few pine posts, used previously for a dog-yard fence, and it came with wire and other things I constitute as a semi-made wall frame – complete with door and padlock.
It was an all male affair – and progressed well when I stepped in, nagged or was pre-menstrual. Ahhh ~ release the screaming, sobbing bitch! At least I am consistent and on time for pre-preparation. I don’t get PMT ~ ask DearHubby! I suffer from MWP ~ Mad Woman Possessed.

But as usual, I digress…

Using an old wardrobe, bits of wood, laminate, and old pallet and other things scavenged from around the property; we built the laying boxes. I think there was a rule of thumb that said one box each, but we figured we would get 6-8 ladies and 4 nesting boxes partitioned in the wardrobe would be enough. I think that has worked well for us.

Built an area and used the tree for shade and stuff

It was good to see the boys work as a team ~ although some of the ‘discussions’ and negotiations were of language more colourful than the rainbow.

Fred probably got into it all more than MudGuts who has already well and truly outgrown the ability to get into the roosting area and can’t comfortably collect eggs. Darn handy for repairs and raking, ‘tho. If only he would...
Then the feeder – initially it was the old metal trough; but that became a bit rusty for my liking and has recently been changed to a 15L water bottle cut in half with a brick inside it.

Thus came the time to forget about buying a carton of eggs ever again ~ Hell man ~ we were buying the factory!!

So we got six ladies in May (for mother's day). Paid $10 from a known bird man, would you look at the grass – not there now ;o) We've since got another 3 (@ $3ea) real free rangers who are lovely but no pics ~ yet!
The eggs are glorious - only one was laying in the beginning but over by July/August they'd cranked it up to 3-5 eggs a day. The first week of July we had more eggs in one week than for all of June. That’s when friends started getting eggs and requests for cartons. I think November we had 122 for the month. Been a little slower of late - but they are also molting and we found a flea invasion - treated them and hoping that will clear up ~ Hubby's work mates want eggs. Yup ~ really are glorious eggs. Had a few double yolkers too ~ lordy, glad I don't have to push one out!

The poop is not so glorious. Especially if you nip out to grab a piece of wood for the fire in sox or bare feet and step in a blob - eewww. And they produce pleeenty of it!! Can't follow my own instruction of shoes on outside ~ always!!

Great punishment chore though - nothing better than assigning chook poop scooping from the patio and path for 30 minutes!! Unfortunately – odd things appear in chook poop, requiring investigation and analysis.
Somehow, this has become my job (as well) ~ probably as I am the only one who doesn’t need to hold their hand over their mouth…

We have two cats. The chooks have demonstrated they are the top of the pecking order in the backyard - I've watched our cats leap in fright when encountering chooks!!
And for as much bravado as he has, TeddyCat will surrender the stolen cucumber, although we had got as far as a growl but 2 chooks vs one scaredee TeddyCat and the chooks will win.
He also sits in the next nesting box when a chook is in there, rolls and ‘dust bathes’ with them and comes in to inspect the scraps.

Chooks peck each other too, and they seem to have hierarchy - You can't make chickens be friends! And they won't share (much to my Fred's disgust). In fact they fly over the top and peck each other at times.

And the hierarchy can change as we found when we added a few more to the Taj MahChook in early Jan this year. Excluding the fact I am No #1 always ~ at least with the gerls, as you can see!
Dogs are a problem, so our gates are locked and fences high enough to stop incoming / outgoing animals. No clipped wings required.

We were told no onions, no potatoes (especially no skins unless cooked and, like, who is going to do that), no citrus. Anything else goes. If they don’t like it – they wont eat it – so you learn what works. Before Christmas we were so bombarded with eggs, Hubby was taking them to work ~ $2 for 1/2 doz ~ we didn't have enough cartons (plenty of eggs). Since the fleas came in to the roosting area, we've gone from 4-5 a day, to 1-2 a day this week. So must clean & scrub it out this weekend. And flea dust. Need lots more googies now we are one income ~ 3 doz a week is a day's fare for Hubby. Or their monthly feed and wellbeing.
And they are lovely, scrummy sunny eggs. Now, if you are wondering have they got names ~ well sort of! We all know which is which but have variations on names ~ I tend to have my "Sweet", the new girls, little blackgerl; tan buff beauty; poor chookie; the white boofy thing ~ the boys have a variation on that again and hubby just calls them the chickens - affectionately. Considering we've had one fertilising the lemon tree (that's Keiv, named so in death by others ~ I preferred Parmagiana) ~ no names as such works well...

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