Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb 2008: ~ Mands! Meanderings, mumblings and memoirs...

eh hem, squeeze me!!

Must say ~ lots of fussin' over valentines day ... and it has taken until about an hour ago to work out Vday and VD meant valentines day! (doh! Where has my head been??) but I am so very glad it was not what I initially thought, nor is there such a thing as Victory Day at this time - the only other thing I could think of for VD.

Personally, here in the Bungalow, we don’t need a special day once a year to celebrate ~ every night my hubby spends away through work and combining it as a little save, smaller footprint and chance to spend time with his mum, well my heart goes a-flutter just seeing him after that night away, so always a special day when he is home. As for weekends.... well! ;D

Thought I’d make note that its taken 4 rate increases but, next month we will need to put more funds aside for Morty!! We've always paid a little more and it has covered the increases, but not this last lot! Poop! And rounding it up to $10 is only a few cents, so more this time...

But we are definitely on track, even with the sudden single income. This NO Spend challenge really came at the right time to make us more savvy with what we have and do with it ~ like, that Darling Hubby is seriously asking me to look for a pushie for him (as low $ as poss - what is that?? I can get something stiff and requiring paint & get a gonky helmet for nix - but would he be happy with that? I'd cope with one like that ~ we only ever got a new bike if it were paid by the insurance of someone else, after knocking us off the bike usually! Just how 'low cost' is he prepared to go...) ~ let's just say not even a the 'several hundred dollar, brand good new' would have been tempting in the past - not even the whole 'bike/exercise' concept... So proud am I!!

SO No ~ valentines is one day we don't celebrate so no savings there - I'd actually probably be cross if he bought flowers. Pick one, ok - means he was thinking about it, no spend! Last year he said ~ just checking but we don't "DO" the whole valentines thing do we?" - thought - good question, and, you're learning (hee hee)

While I think of it:

Here’s a quick dinner – usually you’ll have everything on hand and you can dress it up, down – whatever: A little variation, but this is one I do all the time - this feeds 3 normal servings and one hippopertamic serve for my gianormous son! Occasionally ~ very occasionally ~ we have leftovers available for lunch.


2-3 eggs, lightly beaten with a fork, 2-3 heaped soup spoons of sour cream – heavy or light works, salt, pepper, garlic powder, herbs (or just chives), nice handful of cheese (I use parmesan &/or tasty) and mix together.

Boil pasta to just before al dente - still a little firm - drain, pop back in the pot, add a knob of butter (plus shredded ham or quick cook some chopped bacon in the butter while draining the pasta), stir through the egg and sour cream mix over a low/med heat. Keep stirring through until it looks cooked - about 5 mins does it.

You could leave out the egg, or just use one and add another scoop of sour cream - or play to taste. We used to do this with cream but had no cream and used the sour cream ~ all of us prefer the ‘tang’ sour cream adds to the flavour of it.

So how has life been treating y’all?? I am finding it frustrating ‘feeling’ like I can do things, and knowing that there are chores I can do – but the pain and associated whinging and moaning and less sleep just isn’t worth it. Yet I cannot bring myself to home help – there are others who do need it more. Here it is really just the clutter. I could use the mop, dust & vac part - Clutter eh? Yup, plenty of that!! Hate it but cant get through it all. And I know it drags everything down, but sometimes it just must wait. Washing is in there – but the cluttered corners and walls…

Only this has now been waiting months ~ years in some corners ~ and those are the ones I really cant do, especially when you add the 8-legged creatures that might very possibly likely be in there. Ahhh – that, I can’t fob off without guilt to anyone other than family. That goes for Most corners actually ;D

~This weeks goal is to get the clothes into some semblance of order, been a little flu-ey and procrastinate-y the last few days, headache that just hangs around ~ but helped DS17 do resumes and applications that were handed in or sent today. He is on a youth committee and I hope he does well, excels and builds his self image and esteem.

Rather proactive this week ~ just slow. Looking forward to this weeks back appointment - very much in need of some neck assistance. I've got the back coming along, hurting like the buggery, but I think it is buildling. Just the neck seems a lot awkward and painful so hopefully MrMichael can play on that. End of next week and then it is my specialist appt - getting a little nervous, but so looking forward to finding out where the problems & pain are stemming from...

But if I were to ask for anyone who uses the powers of angels, spirits – the force even - anything it is send all sources powerful and calming to DS17 ~ using a stronger homeopathic remedy which is definitely showing a different 'something' emotive/thought pattern, and could do with some soothing, gentle, calmative power flows. Amongst the clutter and meds - I cant think straight. Physically been a slow, limited process.

Feeling more the half cup full of late ~ but I know that has come from shedding some of the baggage and 'learning' to relax and not see work/employment as the be all; and my health as a priority. Novel - but getting there. Looking forward to managing the mind and pain so I can enjoy a lovely red and French champagne DH has been gifted. Still some perks ~ just not the overtime, but we'll look flash when we open those two bottles for dinner!!

No – not Valentines – told you my views, and then there are those meds… Would not be enjoyed as much – the girlie drink I had when BIL & family were over from NZ hit me so not in a good way, don’t like that feeling. Popping in a few pics in from two Queensland trips – my birthday and the new year. VeryBestGF is coming to visit mid year – so so so excited. She has not seen the house – was back for our wedding!!

Fred had his finger jammed in the gym door today ~ said he cried but only had it in cold water : “ because they didn’t have icepacks when there were cavemen “ : and then went and did high jump. As you do. Played with a bunch of kids in the sandpit today, by the sounds of it. I am glad he enjoys school ~ MudGuts didn’t have such good experiences as Fred seems to. Then again, they are totally and utterly different. The proverbial chalk and cheese…

The no spend has made me change a few things to ensure we still do it without weakening. On the Simple Savings forum I notice many a flagging or ‘having a few treats’ because they have ‘been so good and deserve it’. Tonight, Hubby was still in the office and would ultimately end up home after 930pm, taxi home ~ only being no spend we discussed the value of the $45 to be spent, the need to leave around 5am to return. He had food from home in the work freezer to cover dinner and lunch tomorrow ~ so he will stay down an extra night. I guess it will be another Valentines’ night at the Bungalow! But digression aside, if it is not a preplanned/pre-existing bill or expense, then we are being of the mindset that we have no money too spend on anything because we have been ‘good’, not even a magazine... Gee, don’t know how many times they have been picked up and put back! The reward is financially yes we will be ahead, but it is then there to bring CeeCee and Morty down, provide a tank for water for the garden to produce food more easily and reduce our costs and environmental footprint ~ to barter when needed and provide excess for fowls, friends and family – probably in that order…

‘Puter wants to reboot – I hear abnimbals jumping in the laundry. I shall return.

Feel free to wander aimlessly – I do!
You know I was thinking (yes, yes ~ can still smell the smoke) but how does one go about seeking finaicial compensation or retribution from Telstra or the council? When MudGuts fell down the manhole pit - it is almost like it is no one's fault.
Now, I don't really want it to come across as a money grabbing exercise, but when mum tripped under a broken light on a pavement crack - that was somewhere around $30k... Where's moine? I had to drive all around, listen to the moans, inspect a butt crack for bruising (not pleasant!!, funny butt!!), give pain relief to both him and me - and what if there is something down the track, I mean it is his scaphoid and his trauma ~ translates to ours also?
Anyone know? Just thinking out loud... I know what I would do with $30k - and let me tell you there would be no new car in the equation - or holidays or motorbikes ~ Morty, CeeCee and house repairs from MudGuts' temper flares would be first...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mands, love your blog, as much as I love your comments on SS, which is how I found your blog! I voted in your quiz too, and I will return. Going to give your pasta carbonara a whirl, sounds yummy!

Cheers, Briget