There's a mighty storm brewing
Blimey it is cold...
Wet too ~ its been raining heavily and steadily since late yesterday. We are even expecting snow ~ which I really hope we get (because if it is gonna be cold, it may as well be pretty) but I don't think it will fall much lower than Buninyong. You can smell it every now and again - that icy icy chilled in your nose. *grins* Actually, it is now snowing - middle of October and it is snowing.
So I think we shall be rugging up for the Powderfinger concert. Food is planned and has come in at under $30 for dinner, nibbles, brunch and cuppas for 8 people. And that even counts the flour for the pancakes on Sunday! I am really impressed and think this is better than I expected. I've made cheese twists, making Ferrero Rochers, maybe even home made KFC.
I am a little disappointed the house has not has had as much put into it with regard to de-clutter, sorting out homes for things that should have them, even simply getting the dining area in order without it being left to the last day and a mad panic tonight and even more so tomorrow. For the moment, I have stopped. I wanted to post the Mands On A Mission blog post for tonight, because I think staying under budget when it is so tight is worth celebrating. But right now I am annoyed that my coffee mug motif "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would happen" does not make me smile.
It's not because of Husband ~ if I start getting into a task he will get straight in there with me and either work along side me or find another area which requires his input or muscle. Some times I wish he was the one who got it started and got it finished. Yet, if it was not for how Husband has organised the kitchen bench and sink area, that would still be a cluttered mess only he has it so all the working space is cleared and the 'things' that lay on the bench edges have been put away or tossed. We use little things like the bread seal/clips and bread packaging for additional uses, but often they just pile up in the corner. Husband has given them a home, its working really well!
Yes, I have good and bad days - and the days which are the hardest are usually the Day3 patch when I feel more pain, want to sleep because that hurts less, ache. If I am up by 8am, then the day moves on and on those days usually a lot gets done because if I sit, I will fall asleep - it almost cant be helped! I like to read on those days, try not to stress about feeling like a useless bump on a log. On the other two days, once up the day goes - this used to be a trait in my youth, only I required a shower to open my eyes. Housemates have often laughed as I come through from bed, eyes closed, clothes in hand, to the shower and then burst out of the bathroom a bright happy sparkle of hello good morning! I really only need a few moments blinking to get there(ish) now. Still the happy sparkle, little less bright, but possibly more due to 'engine' problems as the beast grows older...
This weekend should have been a goal end date to at least have the spare room set up properly. The minute it was going to be my sister using it, as opposed to our girlfriend, the urgency dropped. Nothing to do with my sister, not that way at all, its more that sometimes you know with family they've seen it worse... *blushes* This will look rather respectable, compared to even the pictures on the Mission page, Mess to Impress. By rights there should have been more action and more pictures there. I've not even dared with our bedroom yet! But its not too disastrous compared to other 'versions' of the bedroom.
Tomorrow's horoscope:
Knowing how important the next few weeks are going to be, with so much happening, it’s important to get your bearings and to listen to your intuition. Within the next 7 days alone you'll experience both a Full Moon in your work sector and the Sun’s return to your sign, with Mars reaching your income sector just days later. Whenever possible find that still place within, so that you can centre yourself and get your bearings before things really take off.
*sighs* So there is always next week...
I think there was a little excitement from Husband with the sale on eBay. He is not just saying he is keen about our Mission, he is contributing things which have occurred resulting in a win or a lose on the bargaining and savings stakes. He wants to have an area set in the spare room to take pics at all times, using this desk and that cloth. I want the room cleared first, set up to accommodate others, then sectioned off to allow for such an area to be set up. Both he and I want to bring things up from the garage to use, next week is fine, but can we get the items we both know need to be taken out to the garage for the moment out there please?
There is only a little work involved in clearing the alcove and I will probably get most of that finished tonight. I'd like to sit in front of the television too sometimes. Especially now the antenna is tuned and there are about 8 extra channels to see and work out - and I am really quite slow on the uptake of all things new - then I run with them like a pro and learn more very quickly. This is the slow, learning phase of digital for me. Another remote to master.
Seriously, if all the empty boxes could be removed, perhaps even put some of the loose items identified for sale in them, and get these into the shed. So easy - by tomorrow I'll have forgotten about it - well, maybe not because I've written it. I just want the spare room, bathroom, bedroom, dining room, kitchen and alcove less cluttered. *half laughs* The lounge, loo, laundry and SmallBoy's rooms are fine. Should be able to manage all of that.
I wonder what could be in-store for tomorrow on a higher level:
Today is the day to break out of your routine! Having the same custom and practice day after day adds positive foundation to your life but leaves little time or space for new developments. Rather than same old – same old change something about your day. By days ends you will have experienced life in a different way and find your mind more open to new ways of being and future possibilities.
Actually I agree with that in more than one way. We've lacked a discipline to manage time in both work and leisure, mostly due to lack of motivation. Other valid reasons exist, but when some plans are made, they are really only 'gunna' plans. I would like to see Saturday as the start of new changes, getting things done. Super-wonder woman my sister who is a tornado of energy and gunna do it now kerpow will be up, so hopefully it will rub off. Taking the SmallBoy to a concert is such a new experience for him, and for us it will have a different feeling compared to concerts of our youth - wild, reckless and up for anything days.
Time to consult with others. You are a truthful person, but others do not always want to hear the truth. Honor and willingness to stay and face the music. You will not run from a situation just because it is uncomfortable. Someone needs to know that you are there for them. Someone has the wrong idea about you. You need to set things right. Expect positive experiences with your religious or spiritual growth. You have witnessed a profound healing and are eager to experience this for yourself. Keep an open mind and heart, but don't expect the same results as others have, you have your own path to walk.
See, in that I see a confrontation, a need to defend myself against someone else's maliciousness or assumptive tongue speaking out as fact. I am tired of that and at a point where it's not my problem what others think or do. I don't wish to seek those who need me to prove myself, if there is something that is a problem then tell me and there is something I can do to help rectify it, I will - but I am not solving, fixing it or taking on the effort to 'pay back' for time owed.
You don't carry your left over time in the day for another day you need some extra. I agree that I am truthful, that others dont like the truth, if there is a problem I will stand and talk it out to a point, I would even be there for my ex friends, their kids, partners, their friends even. I am on my own path and some guidance has come from hearing, listening, seeing in others areas I wish to grow or aim toward. But it would always been done my own way...
Piffle ~ Must be having a grumpy old lady day. Hydro was great today, thinking about grumpy old ladies. *grins* Actually they are more like funny old ladies. They make me laugh and get me full of oomfph for the rest of a Friday. Sometimes having discussions about the 'old days' really does make me wish for a simpler life. Of course, leaving with an "I'll email you about catching up for lunch next week" proves these girls aren't just silly old ducks! I think they are amazing.
Time to disappear. Powderfinger and the amazing tidy will be taking up tomorrow, so I shall see you Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend. Shall ramble on some more later... *grins*