Saturday, October 30, 2010

And she's back...

Miss me? 

The past few weeks have been rather a family affair ~ trying to set up reasonable routines now Husband is my at home carer, not spending money, trying to pay all the bills and de-cluttering our home.  We are no-where near finished, some would say it looks barely started, but we know we've done heaps and can only keep going.

For a little while I've had to think about whether or not to run two blogs or merge both into the one.  For the next few months I am going to spend a lot more time on Mands On A Mission as the family really needs to come first and making promises to children (and extracting promises and commitment from them!!) really need to be honoured.

I've noticed quite a few 'grown-ups' elicit promises from their children to undertake an activity, a job, a change in circumstance for a period of time, only to change the ground rules to suit themselves, telling the kids it doesn't matter if 'things' change. This isn't just the 'give up lollies' or 'promise to do your homework as soon as you get home' type stuff ~ more the we are going to have two vegetarian meals a week (and not following through); give this new school a year or two before saying you don't like it (and letting the child dictate after six months); promising music lessons for a year (and pulling out because 'we don't have the money so you cant have this any more').

Don't get me wrong ~ I know and appreciate things can change or happen to require a change of plans ~ this is more about setting children up to think it is OK to just give up, not commit or follow through if 'you don't like it' or change your mind.

SmallBoy is aware we are on a budget.  He is aware we are trying to only spend money on the necessary things so we can get ahead.  He is not fully aware we are living hand to mouth ~ he gets his three meals and snacks each day means we must be too (in his mind). When he recently said he wanted something . . . but "we can't coz we've got no money" he was corrected with the explanation we are trying to only get the things we need, not things because we want them.  Why should a 10year be left worrying about his parents' finances?

Kids just can't seem to be left to be kids. Too many parents seem to expect their children to be little adults, to lie and cover for mum if she forgets something or say dad has been too busy when they know he hasn't.  *sighs*  I'm just a little worried about a few children we know and the way they are being forced to tell half-truths, follow the 'mantra' and be so secretive about their life.  I don't think it instils confidence, only confusion.

Well ~ a wee rant ~ silly really because how many will think I am referring to them? I am confident in saying it is none of the followers of the blog ~ or is it.... *grins*  nah - its not :D

Pouring with rain, working away on the decluttering of the pantry and kitchen this weekend.  Wish us luck and follow the progress on Mands On A Mission.  It would be a privilege and an honour to have you on board, hopefully seeing dramatic change and cheering us along.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Visiting from fb & ss,
I couldn't agree more- kids need parents as models that have integrity & strength & honesty.
There is too many opportunities for half truths, white lies & deception and it's usually for stuff between adults that just doesn't matter- if we say the truth " I just forgot, or was too busy or didn't want to" no one would hate us.
Kids see us when we do this social lying & it trains them that its ok & we then we come down on them if they don't tell the truth to us!
Great post,
I will pop over to your other blog too,
Have a great week,