To quote SmallBoy: "Everything goes past just a bit too fast in the dark."
Morning all
Little 'jet-lagged' with last night's moving through time travel for day-light savings and the clocks moving forward. Still got 8-9hrs ~ its getting more routine, got to be in bed earlier tho'!! Waking at 11am became 12 and being such a gorgeous sunny, hint of the north wind in the breeze - bit grumpy in the head. *grrr*
Another coffee *with a scoop of chocolate* should clear that up shortly *grins*
Last night I had meant to include the montly horoscope but got a little side tracked with the continuity of flow in the tarot. Bit 'feeling the love' and the relief. Plus there are some terribly exciting plans in the wind. It's almost like some of it has been planned ahead and was just waiting for me to catch up. *chuckles* Any how - here's the predictions for October:
It's likely you are over your head in boxes and faced with too few cupboards to hold all your accumulated things. Take it slow. Rome wasn't built in a day. Besides, a friend of yours has suffered an untimely loss. Either a child or a spouse has left them or even died suddenly. That person will be requiring a portion of your time this month - if only to vent and mourn his or her lost loved one. If they were dumped by a lover or spouse, the damage can be profound - but it's safe to say it can be temporary. Death however is final. It takes some people a very long time to find their smile again after losing someone forever. You can be of help too by putting your bereaved friend to work helping you in your house or even in your studio. Nothing worse then mourning alone with nothing to do but weep. As soon as you are settled in, you should try to get back to your creative pursuits. This year has been so chockablock with excitement and distractions that you haven't had any protracted time to work for yourself. Get back to that now. All the outside pressures you have been dealing with of late may see you feeling sluggish from the middle of October and into November. Hard to schedule sessions with all you have to do, but three times a week at a nearby gym would work wonders for your energy level. Aerobic exercise literally forces air into your bloodstream and distributes it around your entire body. This oxygenation lifts both spirits and vigor. Give exercise more space. Don't let yourself be consumed by worry about other peoples' woes. Take care of you first. If you don't, whose shoulder will they have to cry on? A figure of innocence will appear in your life around the 17th. It looks like a new colleague or a pal. Could be a Cancer/Pig or a Sagittarius/Dog. Nice people. This character will offer you a renewed sense of hope. Their intentions are truly pure. Their earnest youthfulness will prove refreshing. Listen to what they say. There is wisdom in the simplicity of their words.
Most of today has been getting the guidelines and foundation in place for our 'Mission'. No spending, all debt reductions, much fun in the simple things of life, good times as a family and with friends. Plus a little go in the nursery - more seeds in, protected from frosts and chooks, getting a head start for planting into the veggie beds. Being in pots on the brick ledge means no bending and I am so enjoying the ability to be involved without any detrimental result. So tired of that being the case - so glad my Husband is here to help and care. Wonderful!!
Taking the time to acknowledge the world around me ~ it was a timely message left in the GlowCave thread from a wise old Glowie. I just wanted to include it because it might help another to read about a great game, a profitable one if you play it right:
Imagine you had won the following prize in a contest : Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 into your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules, just as any game has certain rules.
The first set of rules would be:
Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you. You may not simply transfer money into some other account. You may only spend it. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day.
The second set of rules:
The bank can end the game without warning. At any time it can say, "it's over, the game is over!” It can close the account and you will not receive a new one.
Each of us is in possession of such a magical bank. We just can't seem to see it. The MAGICAL BANK is TIME! Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life and when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us. What we haven't lived up that day is the ever lost. Yesterday is forever gone. Each morning the account is refilled, but the TimeBank can dissolve your account at any moment ~ WITHOUT WARNING.
SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?
Aren't they worth so much more than the same amount in dollars?
Think about that, and always think of this.
Enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think.
The start of the last school term ...
SmallBoy has been working on a project for the whole of last term, doing a school blog on progress and results, designing his 'house' and decorating two rooms. The week before term ended, there were some problems with the disc and site being used - it was a free disc, membership on a magazine like Better Homes and Gardens. This week, the whole programme stopped work and it looks like the info is stuck in cyber-house. Some update is also happening on the website. There's lots of sketches and stuff stuck in the interweb so SmallBoy has used the Halo design thingie to mock up something basic/outline to get it presentable this weekend - again!! Poor kid.
Husband is reading through the budget, where we are at, what we're getting and what it needs to do. What I've been calling the Mission ~ as always it is not impossible ~ it's more than a challenge because you can always surrender to a challenge but if you make something your Mission, then I believe it can and will be done. I believe I have been directed this way if I stretch and interpret the reading at the recent GlowCave Convention in Kirra Kirra and Kingscliff. There is such a rhythm in the name of the location and event at the commencement of change to our journey through life.
What he is reading moves forward from the Year of No Spend challenge I talked about in September's post - Riding A Wave. It is about de-cluttering our place, being able to reduce outgoings and allow paying down debts - bills, credit card, loans. We've lost more than $500 in weekly income, but outgoings have only reduced by about $200 - the deficit begins to grow. We just need some fine tuning and compromises, refinement or agreements to the Mission 'statement' and I will so have lightened my mental load. And created an eBay account to help bridge that widening gap!! *gulps* We haven't drowned yet ~ but are sure as hell paddling faster. Not sure how long we can hold out! *wry grin*
Real True Aussie ~ we'll be right. Been there, doing that, looks like I'm writing a real blog. *thinks*
And that might do for tonight. School night. Back to signing off before midnight!
Love and Light
*smiles* No Mission Impossible
The bluest skies and great fields of green
These are the days you see your dream
Suddenly you find the way true and clear
Offers of support from far and near
We've been together through such wars
This is worth making changes for
There's nothing left to stop us
We've only you and I
Together with the same goals
Moving now to fly
It won't be always easy
At times we'll think we'll fall
Doing little steps together
Is the Mission for us all
Taking time to lend another soul a hand
With such a little you can make them feel grand
It's not the cost of coffee, of cake
More's in the value of time for a mate
Sitting, weeding in the warming sun
Provides more than space to every one
With nothing left to stop us
It's only them and us
Together with the same goals
We're making changes fast
It won't always be easy
At times we'll find we fall
So doing little steps together
Is the Mission for us all
The best thing about 'down' is it's not forever
After down must come up, going forward together
Make a gift with your hands, planting crops to share
Things given with love also show you care
The call to the Mission is there for all to understand
With your help,
We'll get through this together, stronger, hand-in-hand
Finally nothing left to stop us
It's actually them and us
Together with the same goals
Making changes fast
It won't always be easy
At times we'll find we fall
By doing little steps together
Is the Mission for us all
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