Skip shows how he earned his status as 'watch-cock'.
Holy torledo Backman...
What a day Thursday ended up being ~ wiped out, checked out and almost poked beyond the point of reasonable *grins* But it proved to be the best thing. I've got a bucket load more to come, however the new 'issues' are manageable and going to be fixed up without any need to cut, screw and stitch! Yay!! Hydro was pretty good too, especially with my new 'moves' that allows the stretch to be felt. I am still trying to find the right level and get the moves right, but the hydro-therapist is brilliant at watching, showing me how to correct any errors and check the progress. Wrecked today - actually probably felt the muscles complain around 9pm. I shouldn't have hung washing and chased chooks - hindsight!
Because no rehab was organised by the hospital post operation, some incorrect actions have occurred causing a few problems now. Having few friends being able to provide effective, (!!) while Husband did the ridiculous hours and travel, it's only compounded by getting back behind the driver's wheel too soon, lifting and bending and trying to meet other people's expectations, listening to people who were not my doctor and not my surgeon. Stupid stupid me. Shatters the ol' self to be dumped on but now many negative issues have had closure, set some achievable goals and positive people are rallying around me ~ things can only get better.
I was asking the wrong people for help; asking for things the wrong way or not sure if I had or had not been part of a discussion; needed to make sure I was understanding things and paraphrased a lot; I mean I thought my Dad said he and his girlfriend had been at the family Christmas lunch - and it seemed perfectly reasonable to be just so. Understand its good and civil at weddings, christenings - but not at the Christmas lunch stage yet - ever perhaps. I digress. *grins* Each time I thought I was getting a little better, I over-did it a lot.
Even my dear Husband took time to realise that progress was being impeded by the amount of additional bending, twisting, walking, driving, hanging washing, cooking - even running the SmallBoy's bath, washing his hair, was getting too much. As his got older, he manages more - he is just the best help. Even Nanny was impressed with his behaviour, his help and abilities while on holidays just now. Gee that made me proud. *brags* Really is nice to see him with confidence and willingness.
Having lost one person who was such as positive influence and support, having to cancel the Council Home Help Service because it was unaffordable, even on the lowest tier. So many times through-out this recuperation and rehabilitation I've felt like I can do more than I should and this results in doing it alone and since April, this load was way beyond my ability - but there was no one else physically willing to help out or otherwise available to assist. With no one locally able to be called on, at least that is how I was feeling - those I should have been able to depend and rely on as they could and had me whenever (and whatever required) had made me feel guilty, a user and not worthy to ask others for care and support. I felt used and abused but I think when you are kicked while down, it just feels worse, horrible. *sighs* Oh, hindsight is a wonderful thing, I've mentioned that haven't I - the people I had come in with open friendships, love and support was overwhelming and the honesty is even better.
The best part was being able to lay back and help out on a website forum ~ alas this is coming to an end, however it has been one of the best 'sanity' retaining activities and probably kept me from getting cabin-fever over the past 18 or so months. Then with the merry chatterings of the Glowies and other Simple Saving forum buddies, crossing over into the Facebook natterings of all things wide and varied. Sometimes tho' I appreciate the lack of 'status' lines on SS because some of those FB ones can be quite jaw-dropping and hysterically inappropriate. Being able to focus on me me me and mine - still doesn't gel properly but then, neither did the word rest and I finally got that once I began focussing on me me me and mine! Perhaps it is time for the next phase to commence:
From the pack...
Thursday, being the last day of the month ~ I called for advice, suggestion and guidance from the Tarot
Five of Swords : You've suffered a loss or defeat but can now regroup. New confidence and verve. Ideas have changed, so you must adjust the plan. Be a little more sure of yourself and others will join you. You don't need anyone's approval in the way you live your life. You have been a little too giving. New friendships can be formed. People are willing to trust you.Always a good bit of direction for the month ahead. And that lead me to ask was now the time to focus solely on me me me and mine ~ please know I don't mean to the point of rude because there is my mum's birthday coming up, friends visiting for a weekend soon, things my Husband and I are wanting to concentrate on (more me requesting, pointing things out, pottering the small stuff - he shall do the HD stuff, things requiring better muscle and backbone *chuckles* - all about communicating what we are wanting, expecting and able to do with each other) Let's see me mow the property!! Not...
Back with the tarot and
The Chariot : Concentration on objectives is needed. Path is clear, do not get sidetracked by outside forces. Triumph. Vengeance. Overcoming of obstacles. Clearing of path to victory and one's desires. Force of will. Strength in focus. No time for outside influences. Headstrong. Rush of energy in one's favor now. Travel is possible. Swift nature in reaching one's goals. Positive and quick result on the way. No time for delay in completing course of action. Strong will.
That too seemed to affirm the changes are for the better and will result in our hoped out comes. Oh de-cluttering, minimising and specification ~ we will be aiming for successes in these areas to create our change. Following this was a whimsy selection of an additional card which really only said the same again.
Revelations : There are new beginnings ahead. The veil is being lifted to reveal something new that was previously not available to you. In one way this can relate to a new environment, such as moving to a new location or changing jobs. However, it can also denote the revealing a new perspective. That what you previously held as truth was only a portion of the whole. All is being revealed to you now. From here you can operate with a new view, seeing things as they really are.
The Universe might just actually be in synch with out personal path. This month will work best if in synch because there is the planning of a budget of about $200 this month; de-clutter to be well under way by mid-October; the pain management and rehab clinic referral approved and perhaps an early date for my Care Plan review. Dang blast the appointment but going great guns on the improvement ~ maybe no other distractions are more than just on the cards. *grins*
Feeling spiritual, guided, correct, honest and open *blushes* ~ perhaps some dear Angels and Light Work is at hand. Welcoming that and learning from the experiences. My goodness - I'll be adding meditation, yoga and reiki to the hydro, physio and exercise therapy, pain management, counselling, happiness diet programme, green smoothies and raw food preparation, pilates and cooking!
Feeling spiritual, guided, correct, honest and open *blushes* ~ perhaps some dear Angels and Light Work is at hand. Welcoming that and learning from the experiences. My goodness - I'll be adding meditation, yoga and reiki to the hydro, physio and exercise therapy, pain management, counselling, happiness diet programme, green smoothies and raw food preparation, pilates and cooking!
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