Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Almost a head start...

It's been cold in these parts...

Talking about the seeds in the pot ~ not to be confused with the ANTs and the POT ~ I checked the moon calendar but wonder if it applies to seeds cultivated in a pot or only from the time sown into the garden??  The things that just jump into this head... *grins*  suffice to say, I do so not share all the ramblings that leap into my head - just a lot of them *laughs*

Any how - the search yielded the following info.  We are currently a waning crescent, heading into a full moon in about 10 days.  So I found Aussie Organic Gardening has some suggestions for this time of the month across Australia.  I've enjoyed some of the information, its not the full on technical times ~ which has reminded me that I have this years' Bryan Keats / Thomas Zimmer calendars.  Oh my brain... honestly! 

So, according to Lyn at AOG, this being the around now, some of this should be on the list of things to read, try to do before the full moon on the 25th, I've italicised the things I think we can achieve: 

3. FIRST QUARTER PHASE – the best time to sow or transplant fruiting annuals (we eat the fruit or seed bearing part), and flowering annuals, grains and melons. Also sow annual grasses, and green manures and apply liquid fertilisers. Prune to encourage growth and deadhead roses and flowering annuals. Carry out grafting and budding. Mow lawns to encourage growth. This is the second best phase to sow or transplant leafy annuals (we eat the leaf or stem) and flowering annuals.

That works in well for moving the jonquile and daffodil bulbs into place; plus we've got strawberry runners to go up into some gutter gardens - must have a better name... Plus getting carrots, garlic and onion under ground to bring to seedling seems to have been timed spot on!! I've got spinach that will go in nicely, but it is still too cold for pak choi, aside from those warm under the weeds in the BigBed.  *grins* Checking through the Gardenate site and Ballarat Urban Food Garden planting guides (there are two separate links there) it looks like the broad beans and peas should be ok, lettuce always comes along and maybe we can get some radish and cabbage on the go...

Budgeting ~ In time for an election...       

So, the new family budget is coming along ~ sort of nicely...  Let's just say everything is covered for the next month, possibly a little longer.  I need to catch up *gulp* lots of weeks of invoicing - I might offer a blanket 10hrs per week to get up to day ~ they will come out ahead..  It will then give a good 2 months to get all the tax, insurance, MrCentrelink under order before October in the actual current rebate year.  We SO over-estimated income there will be a nice lump sum in families and dsp to be made.  

Pay off all those final medical bills - we might not have had to pay $25k up front going private, but we've certainly spent it as a consequence over the past 2-3 years!  This is the first year we've got to the PBS threshold and now get the max rate or free medications, but that's 63 prescriptions... Holy guacamole!  Of course it is right as I am reducing the pain meds so the need to refill any prescription is getting further apart in time ~ typical really... :P  But any return on tax, might only be in a threshold rate change due to actual earnings, must go to savings for a while so we can budget with that as backup.  

As for the election ~ I am not going to get all political and give my 'opinion' on party politics or preferences.  I will say I am looking at issues that are beneficial nationally in the short term as well as the long term on issues like me(!!), families, retirees, environment, education, employment, re/up-skilling.  I think as a 'one' vote I might have thought just one in a sea of fish, go with the flow and eenie-meeny-miney-moe. This election, I think a lot of individuals (or 'ones') are going to have their voice heard collectively, and with more weight and impact that before.  It will be interesting Saturday and I might have more thoughts then.  Taking MudGuts with us as this is his first Federal Election and it's something he does like to do as 'adults' of 'the family' together - its good to see another perspective or reasoning.  Of course, this is sometimes very confusing as a MG conversation can leap higher, wider and faster than mine... *pooped*

Back to the budget ~ we've got a goal to get rid of 1,000 things and gain $10,000.  We are preparing a list - adding to it with gusto and just a smidge of embarrassment.  Looking at it positively, at least our previous habit of collecting things, clutter and stuff will be able to provide us with our emergency fund, create space, be reused, renewed, reloved and/or recycled at a much more reasonable amount - - - time, space, value, want, need - its all relevant.  No, wait - thats the grey thing with big ears - I mean its all relative... *slaps forehead*

More on that tomorrow.  Big grey ears made me laugh - its an old joke and as according to the Small Boy I am a 'straannggee old lady' - my prerogative!

Until the end of the month, the grocery budget is approximately $50.  Seriously, with the amount of meat in the freezer pick-a-meat and the pantry almost as well stocked as a small supermarket, this should be completely achievable.  At the start of September (sheesh, when did that happen) we will need to get more fresh fruit and veg, the garden won't be offering up anything other than a leek or two and goodness knows what MudGuts will have treated himself.

Life is pretty happy and dandy at the moment but there is already evidence Husband having a new life routine to find, settle into and develop has bunkered mine a bit to those of old already.  Maybe it is because I am more aware of who I am, what I am doing and trying to achieve I want to leap forward, but I'm trying to work around a new 'presence' or factor.  Maybe it is because I am determined to make changes to my old ways that are healthy and 'normal'.  And I dont want to get back to cutting back on sleep to make up time, then goes good healthy eating..."

That sound of exhaustion, mixed up in confusion, stirred up by some fears that present as self-doubt, uselessness even, or this head full of thoughts that all need to get out together, now, or they will be forgotten.  I know this is not the case, because the thought does return, not daily and often a little clearer and better formed.  Just this getting used to 'slowing' things down and not needing to take on so much in such a hurry . . . and not being quite used to it yet. :D

I am only 'just' learning to meditate.  I have been able to move to a state of meditation however with no ability to recognise this was occurring and no understanding how to moderate it - - it could be hours lost or minutes that felt like hours.  Recently I've learnt a little more levels - more like if my head gets like a room of chattering monkeys with ideas, thoughts flying from everywhere about nothing comprehensive, I can 'focus' to find one noisy monkey to quiet down, calm down, touch and hope soon to hold, settle and rock to sleep.  Try imagining just that with no other thought able to distract you and take you away from that task of putting the little monkey to sleep.  It's working for me.

This time next week I will be gabbering on about the joys and laughs experienced at the GlowCave Convention.  Sounds like a cult gathering - no that is in late October when Simple Savers converge on Sydney.  I'll be at Powderfinger with friends, taking the SmallBoy to his first 'big' concert.  So good the band is playing local for it's last tour. How good will it be - just the night out with a good band and a great bunch of people!

~ An Ode to 'Foes ~

All roads lead to Happiness
It depends which route you take
Striding through the troubled moments
Swinging on a squeaky gate
There are paths alive with choices
Starting flat there's twists and turns
There is no direct way into Happiness
A great amount must still be learned

Ever noticed some people smile naturally
They find the pleasure in little things
It can be the shape of racing clouds
Or odd fleeting memories
You might wish for a moment in their shoes
But be so grateful for what you've got
There's so much there in front of you
Without wishing for another man's lot

Enjoy your journey to Happiness
It's one you can take every day
Use instinct as a strength to drive you
Find quiet time to keep worries at bay
Take a moment to cover your problems
One by one, sort them out, get some done
There's no need to get everything ordered
Find the balance and Happiness comes

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