Saturday, July 17, 2010


A funny thing happened last night when I realised so many things had happened in not too great a period of time.  

Things have had to change - good choices, good futures, good gracious!!  So it is definitely time to make smarter changes.  As I was shown the SMART(ER) mnemonic as part of my journey to happiness and fulfilment, I decided to see a way to support the ways I can manage change without over/under-doing things or getting way off track.

  • S - specific
    M - measurable
    A - achievable
    R - relevant
    T - tangible
    E - enjoyable
    R - reachable

  • C - confidently
    H - honestly
    A - aligned
    N - noticeably
    G - gratefully
    E - engagingly
    S - significant

I think it reads quite well as a positive message from a few simple words.  And I'm not known for two word statements - its usually a bit of a novella!  Honestly!!

Time to implement some of these Smarter Changes ~ and do my 'homework' from the Happy House that I've not been very good at keeping up with.  While not strictly following the instructions, I've changed it to enable to do that which I am loving - this blog - and planning something pleasurable for the following day, noting my thoughts (helpful or not) to see the ANTs to stomp on.  I'll talk about ANTs and POT another day - no, not that for those of you thinking the worst... *cheeky*

I want to be able to record 3 good things that happen every day - even if it is just something others might think are silly - like toast cooked nicely on both sides, butter melted just right.  Perhaps even get a bit of alignment back into the savings, pantry, de-cluttering ~ I won't bore you to tears, just yet ~ trying to keep it a little simple, very achievable and extremely significant.

Blah, blah ~ should have said a cuppa at the top - or a Baileys, which I am thinking might go down a treat right now.  Had a big bottle in the pantry for I dont know how long.  Hubby is on his way, all systems are clean & clear - I am going to treat myself to a glass over ice.  Wonderful...

Indulge me one moment to defer this task ~ I will I will have it up tomorrow!  

Softly slowly, my cheeky monkey...

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